Saturday, June 18, 2011

2nd annual BRAK, part 2

Following Trembley Creek wasn't terribly difficult at first. Other than the constant rain, and the fact that both of my boots were leaking, the main obstacle is the creek crossings. I don't know, geologically, why this happens, but streams like this generally have a side you can walk on (usually a rocky or gravelly "coast") and a side you can't. For example:

You can stumble along fairly easy on the right, but sooner or later (normally sooner... usually around each bend) the situation will reverse, and you must cross the stream. Less than a mile in, I stopped counting stream crossings after the 10th one. Luckily, many had enough rocks I could hop to and from, and the ones that didn't were no more than shin deep as a rule, but my boots were taking on 32 degree water at each cross.

Again, because of the rain, I didn't take many pictures, but here are a few:

Covered a little more than six miles in this stretch, which probably doesn't sound like much, but isn't far below par for the Brooks Range. Maybe could have done better were it not for breaks for dumping water out of my boots and wringing out my socks :)

UP NEXT... could it be... sunshine?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Brooks Range, Alaska

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