Luckily, the weather was perfect-- sunny and in the mid 70s all day! What a contrast to the mid 90s up in Acadia. Had fun hiking, exploring, and finding waterfalls. But check this out:

I took the top pic today in Cuyahoga Valley, at a gorge overlook that was labeled "possibly the most scenic view in the park." The bottom pic I took the other day in Vermont, after being awed while driving over a random bridge and then pulling over to jump out and take a picture. Vermont wins.
I love the Vermont waterfall! -Laurel
yeah, vermont wins. let's hear about the creationism museum!
my vote: Vermont
Vermont totally wins. Wait until you get to some of the parks and landscapes in the west. They're mind-blowing!
Oh -- and you totally should have brought in a RunDMC era boom box when at Creationismpalooza. Naturally, it would be blaring MC Hawking's classic, "F#%& the Creationists."
Bummer. Google just splays out "Brian said..." when I post, which is the same thing that gets posted when Road Tripping Brian posts.
Since I am, sadly, not road tripping, but instead quite desk-bound, I'll sign my posts accordingly.
-Desk Brian
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