Congaree National Park, formerly Congaree Swamp National Monument, is a swamp in South Carolina. It was, as you'd expect, hot, humid, and buggy. As you might also expect, it was not very crowded, and rather quiet.

I hiked the Weston Lake Loop Trail. Had I been responsible for naming it, I would have called it the Trail of Spidery Death. Congaree is not a place for arachnophobes! There are spiders everywhere, large and small. And there are magnificent orb webs everywhere, often stretching for four feet across the trail path at various heights. And sometimes you don't see them until you walk into them.
I'm not afraid of spiders. I'm probably as unfazed as it gets for a typical civilian non-entomologist when it comes to creepy crawlers, but I was pretty wigged out after about an hour of brushing webs and spiders off my arms and face and wondering how many of the damn buggers might still be crawling around on me where I can't see 'em.

Last Thanksgiving, in a swamp in Tampa, we saw a bunch of these weird knobby things growing out of the ground and had no idea what they were. At Congaree, I learned that they are the "knees" of the Bald Cypress tree. They are actually parts of the root systems of the parent trees. Weird.
Anyway, here are some more spiders for your viewing pleasure.

Yikes!!! I hate those little things....I just missed you in the Smokies. I was down there 2 weeks ago fishing.
How big was the biggest spider? Fist sized?
You knew about Cypress knees. I think I have a picture of you in front of a bunch of them in AL on that boat trip with my dad. . .I'll have to dig it out.
Note - several non-indigenous spiders invaded South Carolina after Hurricane Hugo (I think) having been blown up the coast from south Florida... I vividly recall the first summer that I couldn't walk around Fripp Island, SC without walking through one... and I am an arachnophobe! Got one of those from the last picture on my head - ACK! My dad didn't tell me until he got it off me for fear that I might hurt myself or him flailing wildly to get away from it!
Nothing like this Eastern humidity to drive away the masses. There were two other people camping at the park last night.
Nice spiders. I had to usher one out of our tent last night. I guess we've collected enough bugs in our tent to make a meal for a spider.
On our morning runs through the woods Laurel and I take turns leading, i.e., clearing the path of spider webs. Ick.
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