I need your help! I'm going to be in Arkansas tomorrow, to visit Hot Springs National Park. After that, I don't really know where I'm going. My next destination will be my brother's place in Augusta, Georgia, but how do I get there? Do I go straight there, or is there anything between Little Rock and Augusta worth seeing? Should I go further into the deep south? Do you know of any good poker games along the Mississippi River? Perhaps more importantly, is there anything y'all know of that I should steer clear of? I'd rather not stumble upon an Aryan rally or a secret Klan hideout while trekking these red states.
Let me know!
It looks like you've already passed Crater of Diamonds state park. I hear good things about Memphis and Nashville from the folks in Charlotte - you should stop by Graceland. Or head south and see the new New Orleans.
Chattanooga is fun. There's a really good BBQ place there.
There's at least one nice casinos in New Orleans if you feel like driving that far south. It's a fun city, for some reason I don't remember much of it though :) Good food and drinks. You can check out George Rodrigue's gallery too. Maybe you can find Big Willie Lockett somewhere.
Maybe visit Elvis?
I would suggest hitting the parks in FL. I know it's quite a drive, but Everglades is definitely cool. You can go fishing for alligators! Key Biscayne is also absolutely gorgeous. But, that's a far ride for sure.
I know it's too late, but I'd suggest going through New Orleans. You can swing by my sister's place on the way to the Everglades :)
Ooh! Stop in Montgomery and see the Hank Williams Memorial! Or in Enterpise and see the Boll Weevil Monument . Or my parents - I can call and see if they have any spuirrel or dove to cook up. They may have boiled peanuts :)
Halfway kidding about all that.
If you find yourself near RTP the week of Labor Day, give me a call. .
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