Over many a quaint and curious canyon, mesa, butte, and more,
While I plodded, ankles snapping, suddenly there came a flapping,
And then someone rudely yapping, yapping at my Sub'ru door.
"'Tis some visitor." I muttered, "yapping at my Sub'ru door;
Only this, and nothing more."

It's time for another episode of Q&A Friday, where I answer actual questions submitted from readers like you.
Q: When are you coming back?
A: Probably soon! I have seen so much out here, and in such short time. It has been overwhelming at times.
Q: What has been your favorite destination so far? How about your least favorite?
A: Theodore Roosevelt was my favorite early on, but I think that was largely due to me never seeing scenery like that from my cube life in the northeast. Yellowstone was amazing, as was Death Valley, but I think my favorite so far has been Arches. The short blog post probably didn't do it justice, but my motel internet connection was horrible that night. Yosemite was my least favorite.
Q: Have you gotten an oil change?
A: Two so far, one in Wall, SD, and one in Boulder, CO.
Q: Who is taking my pictures when I am in them?
A: Usually random people, especially if they first ask me to take their picture. Some pics have been taken using the timer on the camera.
Q: How much did you win in Las Vegas?
A: It was less than $1,000, definitely an amount that should not have attracted any undue attention by Las Vegas standards. But the mountain of red chips in front of me looked wicked cool.
Q: How fast do you drive?
A: Not very, usually. Generally just a few mph over the speed limit. I did set a speed record in Wyoming, and then broke it in Utah, but those are just short bursts that probably use up way too much gas.
Q: Why are there no petroglyphs of dinosaurs, if dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time?
A: They were all erased by His Noodly Appendage.
Q: Can you post a map showing all the places you've been to?
A: You mean like Dan and Laurel did? Ok, next time I have a good connection and some time, I'll try it.
Q: Did you get the Johnny Cash / Reno reference?
A: No, I just assumed it was a standard question for a liberal to ask a conservative :)
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